Looking for access to
quality private deal flow?
We can help

Would you like to

  • diversify your asset allocation in private companies?
  • get free access to our investment opportunities?
  • peruse our toolbox (assessment, valuation, vendor due diligence reports) for your own portfolio or to assess a future investment?

Your benefits


Access new investment opportunities


Diversify your asset allocation


Seamlessly transfer your investments with an ISIN

At last, I can invest in companies I believe in.

Who is eligible?

INVEST DIRECT has been designed for investors who are looking for yield and diversification. They however understand and accept Private Equity’s specific risk factors. Indeed, these investments present significant risks of partial or total loss of capital. Generally, asset allocation in Private Equity should not exceed 10% of the investor’s net assets.

This type of investment is only suitable for professional investors or those considered as such. Swiss law (FinSA Art 5, para.1-2) considers that anyone who validly declares that they have:

  • The necessary knowledge to understand the risks of investments because of personal training and professional experience or comparable experience in the financial sector, AND assets of at least CHF500,000,
  • Or net assets of at least CHF2’000’000.


Invest Direct has set up a proprietary 5-stage transaction process:


  • preliminary meeting with the company by our team
  • independent assessment and valuation using Apollonian’s exclusive technology
  • Structuring of the transaction
  • Sending the opportunity to recipients in our catalogue
  • Accompanying the company through to completion of the transaction

To outperform listed markets, the main feature of private equity is that it remains illiquid. The duration of your investment therefore depends on the life of the company and its successful development.

By way of comparison, when you invest in a fund, it’s often for a minimum of 7 or even 10 years, with no intermediate liquidity. Except for the behemoths…in which it is notoriously impossible to invest.

No, but a company’s willingness to organize/guarantee liquidity is an obvious selection criterion for us. However, at Invest Direct’s instigation, companies are endeavoring to set up regular periods of liquidity. Securitization greatly facilitates liquidity but does not guarantee it.

Our team’s legal skills enable us to prepare or validate the structuring of a deal.

Insofar as you are investing in private debt with an expected yield at subscription, this yield is predictable.

In the case of an equity investment in a company, this will depend on your entry price and the date on which you sell your shares.

We charge a 4% success fee on funds raised by companies through our community.

Access to our operations is free. Simply request to unsubscribe and your profile will be immediately deleted in compliance with current Swiss data protection laws.

At no time will your money pass through INVEST DIRECT. Your investment is made directly with the company you have chosen, or by your asset manager via a custodian bank if the transaction is securitized.