professionals analysing companies data for investing in unlisted companies

The trusted third party for Private Equity.

Transparent investment in unlisted companies for professional investors

INVEST DIRECT is first and foremost a community of savvy investors, including wealth managers, private banks, investment funds and clubs, as well as accredited private individuals.

This exclusive network gives you access to exclusive investment opportunities, plus the opportunity to network with like-minded investors at dedicated events.

By joining our ecosystem, you gain free access to INVEST DIRECT’s portfolio of companies through the platform. You benefit from more accessible and pre-negotiated terms of entry. Detailed information on each company are provided, including key data such as valuation, stage of development, industry and location, which gives you direct control over your investment decisions.

We require each company to be analysed by an independent partner to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data. This level of transparency allows you to make informed decisions and to optimise the management of your investments.

Join the INVEST DIRECT ecosystem to access the most promising companies